PEI Institutional Development system jobs 2017
Last Date:20 November, 2017.
The Poverty Eradication Initiative (PEI) in collaboration with government of Baluchistan is launching the institutional development system for strengthen of health department intends to hire the below staff for project management.
- Provincial Project Manager
- Deputy Program Manager
- Fiance Manager
- Admin/HR Manager
- Scrub Nurses
- M&E Specialist
- Program Assistant
- Ware House Manager
- Receptionist
- IT Manager/ Software Developer
- Logistic Officer
- Store Keeper
- Office Supervisor
- Distribution Officer
- Health Specialist
- Peon
- Security Guard
- Fiance and Admin Officer
- District Officer
- Community Mobilization Specialist
- Senior Organizer
- Senior Social Organizer
- M&E Officers
- Computer Operator
- Peon
How to Apply???
Submit the job application along with the updated CV to the following address:
Room No. 02 Basement, (Block 13) Planning and development Department, Civil Secretariat Zarghoon Road Quetta.